Report Summary

Probably Safe

The website seems safe according to this report:

Last updated 7 months ago | Update Now

WOT Trust Rating Unknown/Not Yet Rated
Site Blocklist Status Not Detected (0/10)
Website Traffic Rank Very Low Website Traffic
Domain Creation Date 2 Years Ago (2022-11-03)
Secure Connection Valid HTTPS Found
Domain WHOIS Records Query the WHOIS database
Additional Checks Tips to Spot Online Scams
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WOT Trust Rating

Check rating according to WOT:

The website has not yet been rated on Web of Trust.

WOT is a popular browser plugin used by thousands of users to rate online shops and websites.

If the website has a poor WOT trust rating it means someone had a bad experience.

Personally I may not buy goods from a website that has a poor rating.

If your website has a poor rating, ask WOT for a site review.

Read more info about WOT reputation

Site Blocklist Status

Check if is detected by services like Google SafeBrowsing.

We use multiple trusted sources to know if the website is classified as malicious/scam.

I would personally avoid to buy products from a site that is found on a blocklist.

Click the "Read More..." link to read more details.

Icon Avira Not Found
Icon Badbitcoin Not Found
Icon BitDefender Not Found
Icon DNS-BH Not Found
Icon Spam404 Not Found
Icon SpamhausDBL Not Found
Icon SURBL Not Found
Icon ThreatLog Not Found
Icon URLhaus Not Found
Icon URLVir Not Found
Domain Creation Date

Check domain creation date:

The domain name was created 2 years ago.

A shopping website created less than 4 months ago is too new and potentially suspicious.

If a domain name is too "young" we may have not enough details to judge it.

I would not buy goods from an online shop created a few months ago.

Check the complete WHOIS records

HTTPS Secure Connection

Check if is using HTTPS:

The website is using a valid HTTPS connection.

https secure connection

A secure HTTPS connection encrypts all data sent between you and the remote website.

An online shop that has to handle personal information and payments MUST use an HTTPS connection.

Personally I would NEVER buy something from a site that doesn't use HTTPS.

It is fine for non e-commerce websites to not use HTTPS.

Website Traffic Rank

Check Alexa traffic rank:

The website should have low traffic or none at all.

The website has a traffic rank of #0 among millions of other sites according to Alexa data.

Alexa is a popular web service known to rank websites by their estimated popularity.

Websites with a rank of less than 500.000 should have a lot of traffic, a low rank means good traffic.

In case Alexa has not enough data for a website, the rank will be 0.

The rank is not 100% correct, take this in mind. Alexa Rank Graph


Useful tips to avoid online scams:

  • I avoid domains that end with .TOP, .CLUB, .ONLINE, .CO, .CC
  • Check the complete WHOIS records to find domain information
  • The website MUST show valid company details like name, street, VAT
  • The "Contacts" page should show also an email address or telephone and NOT just a form
  • Check if the website is a certified site by McAfee SECURE
  • I personally avoid online shops that use free emails (e.g. gmail, hotmail)
  • Beware when a website sells all products with high discounts (e.g. 70% or 90%)
  • Popular brands like Nike, Rayban, Pandora cannot have too low prices
  • Every online shopping website MUST use a secure HTTPS connection
  • If the website shows trust seals like McAfee SECURE or Verisign they MUST be clickable
  • A legit shopping site should have a Facebook or Instagram profile
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We will check and delete comments that don't show useful details.

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